A few days ago I made Oreo Ice-cream. It tasted amazing. It’s my favourite dessert now. This is how you make it:
You need:
- Small pack of Oreos or similar
- Milk
- A bar of cooking chocolate
- Nuts(Best is walnuts or peanuts)
First you crush the Oreos without opening the packet(Use a rolling pin or something similar). Then you open it carefully at the top and pour some milk in until the packet is full. Push a Popsicle stick or a something else into the top(This is where you will hold to eat it). Then you freeze it for 4 hours.
Second, you melt some cooking chocolate(Use up to 50g).
Third, you take the Ice-Cream out of the freezer and surround it in the liquid chocolate. Then just sprinkle some nuts on it and it’s ready to eat!