Tokyo Maker Faire 2022

I went to Tokyo Maker Faire in Odaiba. It is a faire for makers. There are over 200 booths in a huge room. It’s held at a convention centre called Tokyo Big Sight.

The first thing I tried was a snow boarding game which was very hard. You balanced on a board with sensors in the board. You leaned on it to steer the board. But, there was and input lag so It was very hard to control. It took around 2 seconds for it to realise that I was leaning.

I also tried a game where you go through challenges with a robot camera. It was on a laptop with a robot that you control. There were many levels and I played 3 of them. You could also build with blocks and slopes where you chose the X, Y, Z lengths.

I tried finger boarding. I played it on a round rotating track. You play it with 2 fingers on the middle of the tiny skate board. It was very hard and the skate board kept slipping out of my fingers.

My favourite booth was the Minecraft VR. It was a game where you fight COVID-19 with a laser gun. It was so hard to control on the Oculus Quest 2. In the end I couldn’t do anything but it was ok.

I went to the food court for lunch and had a beef burger and chicken. I had a Barbados Cherry Soda as well. Before we went home I got a Ramune MC’Shake. Ramune is a Japanese soft drink that tastes like a bubble gum lemonade. But my MilkShake was creamy.

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